
Age 35, Male

Wasting time

Joined on 11/4/07

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950 / 1,110
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5.20 votes
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thats cool

Thanx! ^-^

That's quite a pic! Good job! Thanx 4 telling me about it!

<(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)> Kirby dance!

what did you use to color it

Umm, I gues I'll tell you on your page cause you probly won't come back to read this. ^-^

I don't like the color of the hair. :(

I sorta don't either..... I couldn't decide what color to use. T-T

To be honest, I need some help finding pix. lol

?Finding pix? @-@

Hey, that's really good! Nice job on the hair, but not the best choice for colors. Maybe like pink and white, but nice job!

Yeah, I know I know! I've been told that already. T-T
I'm just not that into changing it....it's a mistake to learn from.

Hey thats awsome nice job! What did you use to color that in?

Just MS paint.....nothing too great. ^-^

It's still better than anything I could draw.

I'd like to see you draw something. It would probly be so ugly it would be irresistably cute! ^-^

Huh, with this picture, it kinda looks like you couldn't decide on what color you wanted for the hair, so you spontaneously switched halfway through. Am I wrong in this assumption?

Will this picture be a character in a future series you intend to make, or is it simply a product of boredom or a spark of brilliance?

Hey, what ever happened to that cartoon idea you had, involving those animals [I believe it was your twentieth post]? How are you doing on that?


A bit of history: LongCat first appeared on the popular internet site, 4chan.org in the random section [A forum I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU AVOID if possible, it will KILL YOUR INNOCENCE. It is where decency goes to die.] and has since only grown in popularity. It is now officially a "meme," or a popular idea that has stood the test of time.

Sorry to be a buzz-kill here, but I actually did not make that .gif of LongCat. That is simply another fan-made picture of the now famous LongCat.

Your assumption was spot on!

This picture was a product of a spark of brilliant boredome......and I never know what to do with my numerous random characters so she may be used agian in the future.

Oh, yeah! Well I've finished the main charcters backstory, like how they met and stuff. I was thinking about posting that next...I just want to post it with a picture, so I'd probly have to get started on it first.

I guess I will not be visiting that site...EVER! I need my innocence.

I thought that may have been the case....although your no buzz-killington, you still have my unwavering respect! ^-^

I agree with the guy above,you should avoid 4chan if possible
anyways..although this picture isn't as good as some of your old ones I have to cut you some slack I mean after all it has been awhile that and this was made spontaneously.The result:good

It was also my first like real attempt at creating a picture on MS Paint. ^-^
Not that I'm making excusses though.

No, you would probably cry if you saw me draw something. :P

You have more medals than me. I feel inferior to you. :D

No.....were equals. I live in a house with a bunch of game freaks. I have to learn how defend my game titles, although I don't play games that often I'm prtty good at them. ^-^

I'd like to see a crappy picture of yours!

I suck at drawing with a mouse and I don't have a scanner. So, I don't really plan to be making any pictures.

I'm not that great at playing video games. I'm only good at RPGs and FPSs.

RPGs are my favorite! I have no idea what an FPS is. T-T

RPGs are my favorite too!!!!

FPS = First Person Shooter

Oh....thats what that means......I'm pretty good at those too! Like Resident Evil, except for the fact that I love to watch someone else play rather than playing it myself. I guess I'm more into the whole storyline and stuff. But I like watching it and telling the person playing what to do! ^-^

I have no idea if it bothers people or not but, it's what I do.

I don't like watching other people play. It bores me. And Resident Evil 4 is one of the greatest games ever.

I KNOW!!! @-@
The best ever...^-^

Now I want to play Resident Evil 4 again. :(

Awww, I wants to watch. T-T

I almost pissed myself when I first fought those weird, creepy monsters that can only be killed by shooting at a certain spot. :|

Yeah...those are awesome!!! I don't think we ever beat that game though.

What? The game isn't that hard.

No...just never got the chance...
I think my older brother took it when he moved out. T.T

Well, that sucks. It's an awesome game.

I know...T-T

Is that MS Paint... if so it's all the more awesome.

Yup, stinky standard old MS Paint. ^-^

Like I said before, either through wuzzles or Duiliath or some other interesting fellows, but they seem to be away for an undetermined amount of time so I must pester other people with compliments a nearly witty yet random remarks that make little to no sense what-so-ever.

Well understood....purpose well served. ^-^
Wuzzles...huh....I miss him. T.T

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