
Age 35, Male

Wasting time

Joined on 11/4/07

Exp Points:
950 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.20 votes
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It means everything good. ;D

I'd shelt you forever and ever! :D

Can we shelt each other at the same time?

YES!!!! In fact I'd perfer it. :D

And translate the comment below this if you can. <3

Ay,Hijo de Puta

Que? @_@

That pretty much means son of a bitch. Or whore. Or prostitute. Or whatever you prefer. :P

Then get ready for the shelting of your life. :D

That was rude!? .....Hold me. T-T

YES! But I'm not sure how this works.....walk me through it. :)

Sorry, I saw a lightning bug, it distracted me so I followed it. I followed that bug and it's sparatic blnking far and wide... across many counties. To far off nations... maybe even to Japan. And eventually it lead me to your profile page. And I left this comment.

Well... there it is agian, I wonder where it's going? *wanders off after a small bug that occassionally flickers with light*

You know when you squish those bugs they still glow. Their florecent guts make for crazy fun lube. :)

That's horrible! D:

You know what this means Light Saber duals!

The bigger sword always wins. I win!!!! :D

Damn... you made fun of my light saber size. Now I feel even more emasculated than I typically do. :'(

It's not he size of the saber.....it's how you use it. (If you believe that sorta stuff.) :)

That's what I've been told. 99.9 % of men's light sabers are under a foot in length so I guess that they're all just jealous.

....Of what sir? @_@

So how goes life?

Good good......you doin' well? :)

Oh, hai hai. Vote me, taco, and yourself for submod of general. Lolk?

lol, I did it already, excluding the whole vote for yourself thing. I don't want it, and I'm sure I'd only get one vote anyway. :)

How's it going, my good friend?
Still having the same post, I see. :D

Yeah, I'll change it as soon as I find something to post.....maybe another artist besides Paramore. :D

They are jealous of the jedi!

I'm not.....especially if he can't weild his tiny lightsaber properly. :P